God has created humanity with such a great diverse. It is in this diverse nature that we find ourselves in the struggles and trails of being a different. Some of us don’t like to be different. Some of us don’t like others for being different. History teaches us that some of us have enslaved, killed, and oppressed others for just being different.

Of course, with such nature, we never was and we never will be all the same. It is in this that we have larger faiths with so many branches within it. Islam has many sects and a few branches. The following are branches in Islam:

Sunnism: The largest branch. Almost 65% of Muslims are Sunnis. Sunnis are very strict and believe in the entirety of the Hadiths(collection of stories attributed to Muhammad.) Sects like Wahabbiyah, Al Itihad, Al Islah, Suffi-Sunnism, and many more go under umbrella of Sunnism.

Shi`ism: The second largest branch. About 15% of the Muslims. Most of whom are in Iran. Shi’ites are also strict, but unlike the Sunnis, do not believe in all of the Hadiths. In addition, shi’ites believe in oral and written tradition of 12 Imams descending from one another, starting with Imam Ali. Sects like Isma’eliyah, Duruz, and many more go under the branch of Shi’ism.

Suffism: About 10% of the Muslims. Sufis are very spirited and not at all strict. They believe in the Hadiths and the works of Imams, but with a personal viewpoint.

Liberals: About 7% of the Muslims. Liberals are the fastest growing group in Islam. They accept little or none of the Hadiths or the works of Imams and almost only rely on the Quran. Groups like Liberals, Submitters, Quranniyah and many more go under this branch.

Others: There are some tiny branches that do not classify with any of that. They are only about 3% of the Muslims. Groups like Nation of Islam, part of Duruz, and many more go under this branch

Why all the division? Because Muslims are humans and humans tend to not see things eye to eye. Ok, but why the bloodshed? Weakness. Muslims to this day kill themselves over the littlest things. Go figure!

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